Holy Orders

Holy Orders

He said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." - Luke 10:2

Vocations at Annunciation

Heavenly Father, bless our diocese with the grace of many vocations to the priesthood from our parish. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, grant those You have called, the courage to follow Your will. Grant also to those serving as priests the grace to serve with the faithfulness of Christ. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


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Annunciation Vocations Committee

The mission of the Annunciation Vocations Committee is to promote vocations by prayer, personal contact and projects involving the parish, PSR and families in an effort to be blessed with dedicated priests, deacons, consecrated persons, and faith-filled and generous parents and single people.

How We Support Vocations

We carry out our mission by:

  • Coordinating the Monthly Rosary for Vocations before Weekend Masses
  • Encouraging Eucharistic Adoration for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and the Consecrated Life
  • Purchasing and Distributing Holy Cards/Bookmarks with Vocations Prayers
  • Collectively and Individually Praying for Vocations

Vocation Committee and Volunteers

To assist with the work of the Annunciation Vocation Committee fill in the form below.

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A Call from God

The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults teaches us, that from the moment of Jesus' conception in the womb of Mary until his Resurrection, he was filled with the Holy Spirit.  In biblical language, he was anointed by the Holy Spirit and thus established by God the Father as our high priest. As Risen Lord, he remains our high priest. . . . While all the baptized share in Christ's priesthood, the ministerial priesthood shares this through the Sacrament of Holy Orders in a special way.

Ordination to the priesthood is always a call and a gift from God. Christ reminded his Apostles that they needed to ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest.  Those who seek priesthood respond generously to God's call using the words of the prophet, "Here I am, send me" (Is 6:8).  This call from God can be recognized and understood from the daily signs that disclose his will to those in charge of discerning the vocation of the candidate.

Learn more about Vocations and Seminarian Formation in the Diocese of Jefferson City

To learn more about how the Office of Vocations supports vocation discernment, current programs and how our parish can further support vocations, click here.

The fruit of our prayers

Our prayer and encouragement assists young members in our parish in discerning their vocation. Below, you can see the number of seminarians, priests and religious from our parish.

Seminarians from Annunciation Parish currently enrolled
Priests have been ordained from the Annunciation Parish
Consecrated Religious from Annunciation Parish