PSR Registration Annunciation 310 S. Mill Street California, MO 65018 MASS TIMES Weekend Masses:Saturday: 4:00 p.m.Sunday: 9:45 a.m.Sunday (Spanish): 11:15 a.m.Daily Masses:Tuesday: 8:00 a.m.Thursday: 8:00 a.m.Confessions:Saturday: 3:15 p.m. & upon request. Contact Us Annunciation Parish Office310 S. Mill StreetCalifornia, MO 65018Mailing Address:PO Box 204California, MO 65018Parish Office Phone573-796-4842Diocese of Jefferson City Chancery Offices(573) 635-9127 PSR Registration 2024-25 PSR Registration K-12th Registration - This includes all Sacrament classes and Teen Enrichment. "*" indicates required fields Parent Name* First Last Phone*Parent Name First Last PhoneAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP Code Email Family Physician*The doctor to contact in case of emergency.Physician Phone*Hospital* SSM Health - St. Mary's 573-618-3000 Capital Region Medical Center 573-632-5000 Other Emergency Contact*If we are unable to contact you in case of an emergency, who should be contacted next?Emergency Contact's Phone*RelationshipChild #1*NameGrade LevelDate of BirthMedication, Allergies, and Medical Concerns Add RemoveChild #1 has COMPLETED:* Baptism Reconciliation First Communion Confirmation None Child #2Skip to the bottom if you have no more children to register.NameGrade LevelDate of BirthMedication, Allergies, and Medical Concerns Add RemoveChild #2 has COMPLETED: Baptism Reconciliation First Communion Confirmation None Child #3Skip to the bottom if you have no more children to register.NameGrade LevelDate of BirthMedication, Allergies, and Medical Concerns Add RemoveChild #3 has COMPLETED: Baptism Reconciliation First Communion Confirmation None Child #4Skip to the bottom if you have no more children to register.NameGrade LevelDate of BirthMedication, Allergies, and Medical Concerns Add RemoveChild #4 has COMPLETED: Baptism Reconciliation First Communion Confirmation None Video and Photography ConsentPlease select an option:* You may not use any images, video, or audio of my child in any online, social media, or print format for any reason. I consent that photographs/video recordings/audio recordings of my child may be used in the following circumstances: I consent that photographs/video recordings/audio recordings of my child may be used in the following circumstances:* Posted within a private, closed Facebook group moderated by the sponsoring parish ministry/event Posted on a public Facebook page moderated by the parish Posted on a public webpage or website moderated by the parish or sponsoring ministry/event Posted in the print or online version of the parish bulletin and Youth Ministry Newsletter Posted on other digital or print promotional materials or publications affiliated with parish or sponsoring ministry Please check the box for each option that is permissible.This form allows you, the parent or guardian, to identify how images of your child may or may not be used for purposes of print, online or social media communication or promotion. In any print, digital and online postings, your child will never be identified by written caption without specific written consent of the parent. Your child will never be “tagged” in any posting through social media.Video and Photography Consent* I have read the section above and understand it. Verify the above by typing your (parent or guardian) name here to serve as your e-signature:*Medical AuthorizationConsent* I authorize the adult/volunteer/catechist to seek emergency medical assistance for my children should they be unable to reach me.CAPTCHAeSignature*By typing in your name you are verifying you completed this form and your name acts as your "eSignature."EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.